Head of Risk Control

Opublikowano 7 lat temu

Recruitment Agency Creative Center (agency number 1681) is a personnel consulting company which has been operating in the Polish job market for over 13 years. We implement recruitment and training projects for corporate clients, small and medium sized enterprises across Europe

Our Client is an international financial institution with office in Poland. We are looking for candidates for the Head of Risk Control

The vacancy has arisen due to an expansion in our Client’s company as it approaches the release of a new subsidiary in Germany.

We offer the position of Head of Risk Control. The key objective of the position will focus on development of risk control processes and procedures (in particular risk strategy, ICAAP, credit risk control, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk).

Job title: Head of Risk Control

Reporting line: directly to CRO

Work place: Berlin

Your main responsibilities will be as follow:

  1. Development of the credit impairment model
  2. Development of risk control processes and procedures (in particular risk strategy, ICAAP, credit risk control, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk)
  3. Parametrisation and testing of risk applications and tools
  4. Supervision of risk controls staff including Treasury middle office
  5. Providing of an independent assessment of the bank’s market and liquidity risk which will include assessment of asset buffer, business plans, product pricing, funding diversification, regulatory interpretation, and the ILAAP, ICAAP as required;
  6. Overseeing the operating model for managing market and liquidity risk;
  7. Monitoring market and liquidity exposure and limits based on the predefined reports (internal and regulatory measures);
  8. Implementing new risk measures / stress tests and improvements to existing measures using knowledge of risk management.


  1. At least a few years of experience in Risk Control
  2. Experience in dealing with impairment models
  3. Sound knowledge of the Risk Control processes and procedures
  4. Fluent IT skills in data collection and analysis
  5. Proven track in models building (participation in the project of IFRS 9 implementation – would be an asset)
  6. University degree, preferably in Finance or quantitative subject or a postgraduate degree (mathematical background would be an advantage)
  7. Fluency in English,(good command of German would be an advantage)

We offer:

  1. Work in a dynamic team in a challenging area of the financial industry at newly opened institution
  2. Excellent working environment
  3. Opportunities to develop new skills and progress your career
  4. Attractive conditions of employment

If you apply for this role it means you agree with the following statement:


“Zgadzam się na wykorzystanie przez firmę Creative Center Paweł Karolewski z siedzibą w Łodzi ul. G. Narutowicza 7/9 p. 328 90-117 Łódź,  danych osobowych w celu pośrednictwa pracy (posiadania i przetwarzania przekazanych danych osobowych oraz ich udostępniania klientom w ramach prowadzonych projektów rekrutacyjnych) zgodnie z obowiązującą Ustawą o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (Dz.U.2002 r. Nr 101 poz. 926) aż do momentu pisemnego wycofania zgody. Potwierdzam, że zostałem poinformowany o prawach do zmiany, dostępu i ochrony tych danych. Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez ogłoszeniodawcę moich danych osobowych na potrzeby przyszłych rekrutacji.”

Informujemy, że Administratorem danych jest Creative Center z siedzibą w Łodzi przy ul. G. Narutowicza 7/9 p. 328. Dane zbierane są dla potrzeb rekrutacji. Ma Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz ich poprawiania. Podanie danych w zakresie określonym przepisami ustawy z dnia 26 czerwca 1974 r. Kodeks pracy oraz aktów wykonawczych jest obowiązkowe. Podanie dodatkowych danych osobowych jest dobrowolne.



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