Chief Compliance Officer

Opublikowano 6 lat temu

Recruitment Agency Creative Center (agency number 1681) is a personnel consulting company which has been operating in the Polish job market for over 13 years. We implement recruitment and training projects for corporate clients, small and medium sized enterprises across Europe

Our Client is an international financial institution with office in Poland. We are looking for candidates for the Chief Compliance Officer (MLRO).

The vacancy has arisen due to an expansion of our company as it approaches the release of a new subsidiary of our institution in Germany.

We offer a position of Chief Compliance Officer (MLRO). The key objective of the position will focus on ensuring the adequacy and completeness of the Bank’s compliance programme in the process of obtaining banking license due to German Regulatory requirements, performing MLRO and compliance functions after the licence is granted.

Job Title: Chief Compliance Officer (MLRO )

Reporting Line: directly to CEO

Work place: Berlin (Germany)

Your main responsibilities will be as follow:

  1. Performing Compliance Function
    • Managing all contacts with the German regulatory bodies
    • Overseeing the Bank’s compliance function to maximise efficiency and effectiveness and providing a consistent approach to compliance matters
    • Ensuring the compliance functions are structured and staffed appropriately, and routinely reviewing and revising the overall approach in this respect
    • Working with businesses to help ensure products or processes do not negatively impact the Bank’s compliance and ethics status
    • Supervising key Bank’s functions from compliance perspective, including inter alia internal processes and procedures, clients’ documentation, business development, contract management, customers’ claims/ complaints, corporate governance and employment issues
  2. Performing the MLRO function and ensuring adequacy of the anti-money laundering policies and procedures, and their application throughout the on-boarding process:
    • Handling the preparation work and management of inspections by the regulator during the licence process
    • Developing policies internally relating to AML in the Bank and overseeing the implementation of those policies
    • Implementing the annual AML plan controlling whether it is fulfilled correctly
    • Acting as a subject matter expert for the business and point of reference to address related queries
    • Compiling reports for the board and internal risk committees

Qualifications :

  1. Extensive knowledge of German regulatory and legal framework relating to the financial industry and fintech
  2. Documented background in compliance function in the area of banking/ wealth management or in consulting, legal advisory, law enforcement 5 years at least
  3. Graduate degree is a must; degree related to international/EU comparative law studies would be an asset
  4. Proficiency in English and very good command of German

We offer :

  1. Work in a dynamic team in a challenging area of the financial industry at newly opened institution
  2. Excellent working environment
  3. Opportunities to develop new skills and progress your career
  4. Attractive conditions of employment


If you apply for this role it means you agree with the following statement:

“Zgadzam się na wykorzystanie przez firmę Creative Center Paweł Karolewski z siedzibą w Łodzi ul. G. Narutowicza 7/9 p. 328 90-117 Łódź,  danych osobowych w celu pośrednictwa pracy (posiadania i przetwarzania przekazanych danych osobowych oraz ich udostępniania klientom w ramach prowadzonych projektów rekrutacyjnych) zgodnie z obowiązującą Ustawą o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (Dz.U.2002 r. Nr 101 poz. 926) aż do momentu pisemnego wycofania zgody. Potwierdzam, że zostałem poinformowany o prawach do zmiany, dostępu i ochrony tych danych. Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez ogłoszeniodawcę moich danych osobowych na potrzeby przyszłych rekrutacji.”

Informujemy, że Administratorem danych jest Creative Center z siedzibą w Łodzi przy ul. G. Narutowicza 7/9 p. 328. Dane zbierane są dla potrzeb rekrutacji. Ma Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz ich poprawiania. Podanie danych w zakresie określonym przepisami ustawy z dnia 26 czerwca 1974 r. Kodeks pracy oraz aktów wykonawczych jest obowiązkowe. Podanie dodatkowych danych osobowych jest dobrowolne.

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