SAP PP Consultant (X6 and X16 role)
Creative Center
Recruitment Agency Creative Center (agency number 1681) is a personnel consulting company which has been operating in the Polish job market for over 16 years. We implement recruitment and training projects for corporate clients, small and medium sized enterprises across Europe.
Our Client is an international production company, leader in its industry.
SAP PP Consultant (X6 and X16 role)
Way of employment: payroll, permanent
Main tasks & responsibilities
- Project Implementation
Play a key role in the full project lifecycle, from initial set-up of the project, from initial discussions with users to the final delivery of the result (including first month of support and ad hoc questions later on).
- Analyze the current business processes and scenarios and recommend solutions to meet the needs
- Define best practice business processes in SAP
- Document the functional design during the definition phase
- Map the business requirements and processes
- Identify gaps, issues and workaround solutions
- Design and customize the solution in SAP PP VC
- Prepare prototype and organize prototype sessions
- Write development requests for customer specific SAP modifications/ enhancements
- Analyze requirements for interfaces, write development requests and organize testing
- Integration testing with other modules
- Prepare training material and organize training sessions
- Prepare cutover planning and activities
- Ensure smooth go-live with hyper care support
- Change Requests and Support
- Ensure escalated level user support – tickets are filtered by regional support
- Work on local and/or global post go-live incidents and change requests.
Skills and competencies:
You have a deep SAP consultancy experience in PP VC module:
- for about 10 years
- you can independently analyse and debug programs (basic ABAP understanding)
- APO PP/DS knowledge is an asset, but not strictly needed
- You have a broad knowledge of ICT solutions and business processes.
- Experience in coordination of SAP projects is a plus but not strictly needed
- Languages: fluent in English
- You have strong analytical skills
- You are stress resistant, self-motivated and a team player
- Good personal skills in communication, coordination and change management
- Stress-resistant, self-motivated and team player
What we offer to you:
- We offer you an interesting and ambitious cooperation with a dynamically developing company with an international reach, which is a leader in its industry
- Permanent payroll agreement
- Various tasks within 4 different lines of business
- You will find a friendly atmosphere, support from colleagues, but also a lot of challenges and dynamic work
CV prosimy wysłać pod adres lub za pomocą poniższego formularza.
Prosimy o dopisanie w CV klauzuli: “Zgadzam się na wykorzystanie przez firmę Creative Center Paweł Karolewski z siedzibą w Łodzi ul. G. Narutowicza 7/9 p. 328 90-117 Łódź, danych osobowych w celu pośrednictwa pracy (posiadania i przetwarzania przekazanych danych osobowych oraz ich udostępniania klientom w ramach prowadzonych projektów rekrutacyjnych) zgodnie z obowiązującą Ustawą o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (Dz.U.2002 r. Nr 101 poz. 926) aż do momentu pisemnego wycofania zgody. Potwierdzam, że zostałem poinformowany o prawach do zmiany, dostępu i ochrony tych danych. Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez ogłoszeniodawcę moich danych osobowych na potrzeby przyszłych rekrutacji.”
Informujemy, że Administratorem danych jest Creative Center z siedzibą w Łodzi przy ul. G. Narutowicza 7/9 p. 328. Dane zbierane są dla potrzeb rekrutacji. Ma Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz ich poprawiania. Podanie danych w zakresie określonym przepisami ustawy z dnia 26 czerwca 1974 r. Kodeks pracy oraz aktów wykonawczych jest obowiązkowe. Podanie dodatkowych danych osobowych jest dobrowolne.
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